Impacting the lives of people with cerebellar disorder

About the Raynor Cerebellum Project
Finding the shortest path to improving the lives of people suffering from cerebellar disorders. The Raynor Cerebellum Project will be known as the greatest collaboration of minds and resources solving the issues of cerebellar dysfunction and disorders.



Our Vision:
Truly New Research Initiatives
— not simply a continuation or extension of labs’ current research programs. Investigators must be able to explicitly “connect the dots” from what they propose to RCP’s strategic goal.
Well-Reasoned Endeavors
that are too risky for traditional funding agencies because they may lack preliminary data, contradict dogma, or propose unprecedented technical ideas. These are the ideas you are actually nervous about sharing because they are so outrageously ambitious.
A New Research Culture
with collaborations between labs at multiple institutions and across multiple disciplines…“collaboration” instead of “competition.”
Acquiring Funding, Accountability and Reporting
Needless paperwork will be discarded. To paraphrase the late Ross Perot, “When you see a snake — just kill it, don’t form a committee on snakes.”
Alongside Researchers and Clinicians
at all steps of every project, sharing expertise and skill sets in person to cross-fertilize existing ideas and improve and troubleshoot to generate unexpected new directions.
“Goal-Oriented Science.”
Success is defined by whether we improve patients’ lives, without necessarily knowing why therapies are working in the time frame we have set. The “why” can (and should) come later. Teams must be selfless in a singular pursuit of the common goal.
The Raynor Cerebellum Project has committed to the following:
Funding will be allocated to researchers whose work has great promise to advance the understanding necessary to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by cerebellar dysfunction under an expedited timeline.
gatherings to inspire collaboration and innovative research including Cerebellum Summits, RCP symposia, and subsequent meetings of the Raynor Cerebellum Project participants.
from the Once Upon a Time Foundation as well as building outside partnerships with other funding sources.